Get your serve of roast turkey here luvvies

Wednesday 17 February 2010

Politically green is politically green. Funny that.

The funny thing about the greens is that they never really look where they are going. Being green is more of a lifestyle statement than an intelligent choice of political thinking. If you're thinking of going green, consider therapy, preferably electrical shock therapy. Then if your brain cell is still functioning, consider this:

Australia is a very dry continent. We don’t have much fresh water. So you would think it important to store up as much fresh water as possible. Not according to green philosophy. Instead of building dams and off stream water retention and detention basins for groundwater recharging, because those things damage the environment, it’s better to build expensive de-salinisation plants that require huge amounts of electricity generated from fossil fuels. And generate hyper saline waste that damages the environment.

Then because burning fossil fuels is responsible for climate change, we have to stop doing it. But we can’t replace fossil fuel burning with the obvious alternative, nuclear power, because nuclear power is dangerous. There might be a meltdown. Meltdowns of course are ok if they are not in my backyard, or anywhere where indigenous people live. Which is everywhere. Plus all that nuclear waste. Where would we store it? It might get used for nuclear weapons. Well we could store it down any one of the hundreds of drill holes that were drilled for fossil fuels and turned out to be a dud. But that might be too easy. And we definitely don’t want nuclear weapons.

You see, nuclear weapons are bad. The last time a nuclear weapon got used in a war, it ended that war. That war was World War II. Since then, in the last 65 years, nuclear weapons used in an act of aggression have killed exactly zero people. Because they have been used zero times. Because using nuclear weapons defeats the purpose of war, which generally is to take some one else’s territory and resources.

But never mind that. The nuke is bad. Forget that military assault weapons have killed close on 50 million people in the last 65 years. Forget that the AK47 is the weapon of choice for child soldiers in Africa and this single model of 7.62mm carnage is responsible for about half of those deaths. Assault rifles aren’t nearly as dangerous as nukes. 50 million dead people with guns versus zero killed by nukes. I'm no mathematician or statistician but just two calibres of weapons, 7.62mm and 5.56mm are the only weapons of mass destraction being used on the planet at the moment.

Be green, you’ll live longer. You're conscience will be clear. This is because you only have one brain cell and that was gifted to you by Peter Garret because he doesn't need his - he works for the Labor Party and there is a machine to think for him. This machine is called Kevin Rudd. If you are a poor African staring down the barrel of an AK47 held by a 12 year old you won't care about nukes. Or clean water. You won't live very long either. Ban nukes - they stop wars and starving Africans can't afford them. They must be bad.

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Billy likes to cook and babble on about things he knows nothing about